Gluten Free Baking: Want Convenient gluten free mixes…Do this!

Let’s Make our own Gluten Free Pre-Packaged Mixes!   Living on a gluten free diet, you miss the ability to go to the grocery store and pick up even the simplest of things. Label reading is second nature to you and can become very discouraging as EVERYTHING seems to contain gluten! It would be great to…

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Mini Donut Maker

I saw this electric mini-donut maker and had to try it out! I immediately adapted a Poppy Seed Donut Recipe and tried it out. I had guests coming that evening and wanted to see what they thought. The donuts were a big hit! Many compliments on how they tasted like the “real” thing and not…

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Is “Sugar Free” Good For You?

Natural sugars vs. artificial ones. More and more people these days are watching what they eat. However, some of the options presented as healthy are anything but. For example, take artificial sweeteners. The label “sugar free” often falls in the “healthy” category, yet sugar replacements can do more damage than plain ole sugar. What Are…

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Benefits of Green Tea

5 Healthy Reasons to be Drinking Green Tea For thousands of years, people have consumed tea for its medicinal properties, and especially green tea. There are several green tea health benefits, such as maintaining youth and vitality, decreasing stress and disease, and reducing the risk of infection. Originally discovered in China, tea is the drink…

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Protein Benefits Your Health

4 Benefits of a Protein Packed Breakfast Breakfast is not to be underestimated, especially if that breakfast is rich with protein. There are several key benefits to eating protein first thing in the morning. These benefits range from boosting energy levels to boosting the immune system. 1. A Protein-Rich Breakfast Repairs Cells Cells are constantly…

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Smile it’s Good For Your Heart

Can stress do you harm? When you feel good about yourself, you also have a better outlook on life. Many successful people have used their positive attitude to overcome difficult obstacles. You can look on the bright side too and reap the benefits of heart health. The Heart and Stress The heart is a muscle.…

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The Wonder of Butter

Make sure to use “real” ingredients in your baking. I’ve always loved how butter brings out such a rich melt-in-your-mouth taste to your gluten free recipes. Every time someone asks me how come one of my cookies or muffins tastes so much better than theirs, the first thing out of my mouth is…Did you use…

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Baking with Parchment Paper

The Ultimate Non-Stick Surface. Gluten free baking is hard enough to master with all the funky ingredients and weird sounding names. I never even heard of xanthan gum before until now. Having the right kitchen tools makes it a lot easier. One of the cheapest and most helpful gluten free products you can have is…

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Don’t let Congress decide what’s in your food.

Stand up to stop GMO’s. Here’s an important issue for all of us. Our own Congress is threatening to sign a bill that will allow big companies, like Monsanto, NOT have to tell us what food has GMO’s in it. Read this excerpt here: • It blocks states from labeling foods that contain genetically modified…

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Gluten Free Budget: 7 Tips for Saving Money

How to Save Money $$$ Living Gluten Free I’m told by my parents that growing up we were poor. We had very little extra money. We did not go on fancy vacations, but we camped quite a bit, lived at the beach during the summer, went fishing, panned for gold ( didn’t find any, but it was…

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