Kale and White Bean Soup

Hot and filling easy weeknight meal. Serve this soup along side grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches for a nice cozy dinner. Ingredients: 1 carrot, chopped 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 onion, chopped 1 Tbsp. olive oil 4 cups gluten free chicken broth 4 cups kale, chopped 1 can (15oz.) cannellini beans, rinsed and drained 1…

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The Best Bacon Ever

In less than 1 minute you can make the best bacon ever. Get ready for rave reviews! Using this simple technique, your bacon will be meaty and tender and….crispy! I watched this and couldn’t believe how simple this is. Why don’t people tell us these things? All right Mom, you’ve holding out on us and…

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Mini Donut Maker

I saw this electric mini-donut maker and had to try it out! I immediately adapted a Poppy Seed Donut Recipe and tried it out. I had guests coming that evening and wanted to see what they thought. The donuts were a big hit! Many compliments on how they tasted like the “real” thing and not…

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Top Pie Plates (review)

Pie Plates are a baker’s friend. Your kitchen needs to have a good all-purpose pie plate that you can use for quiche, fruit pies, custard pies, cakes (you can bake 8×8 size cakes in a 9” pie dish also for something different), impossible pies, the list goes on. There are all kinds of pie plates: glass, ceramic, metal, stoneware and…

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Gluten Free Italian Cookbook(review)

Here is a great book to add to your gluten free library. “Italians have a saying…To eat well, to drink well is to live well. That’s how I like to live my life, spending hours creating in my kitchen, filling long tables with delicious platters of food, surrounded by loved ones and laughter.” So begins…

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