Gluten Free Cupcakes for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is here. I have to confess, I haven’t done a thing about it until now. Panic started to set in until I raided my cookbook war chest and frantically searched through for some fun but not elaborate goodies to make for my family.

You know, I don’t have time to decorate a gluten free cake or gluten free cupcakes with a tower of icing, hand sculpted candy figures, ribbon, sparkles and fireworks. Doesn’t fit in to my schedule this week…maybe next week 😉

A quick search through the cupboards. Oh good.. a gluten free vanilla cake mix. Half the battle is over. Now I need to see if there is any “red” jam in the cupboard. Yep, that blackberry apple jam we made together during September.

Raid the kids’ candy jars to find a chocolate bar I can use.  The only thing I need to go get is a small box of raspberries. Quick trip to the store and I’m all set.

Whew, are you ready to get started? Let’s do it.

Gluten Free Cupcakes with Raspberries and Vanilla

1 box of gluten free vanilla cake mix

Ingredients to make the cake
1 small container of fresh raspberries, depending on number of cakes
1 jar of “red” jam, raspberry would be good, but do what I do, go see what you have first and go with that.
1 Gluten free Chocolate candy bar
One heart shaped cookie cutter

If you don’t have a heart shaped cookie cutter, you don’t need to go buy one. Use a round cutter, like a biscuit cutter, a clean tuna can or any clean can you have around. Of course, if you are looking for a reason to go buy some cute cookie cutters then by all means get in your car and hit the store.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a rimmed cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Mix up the gluten free vanilla cake mix a per the instructions. Pour the batter into the prepared cookie sheet. Make sure to spread out to the edges and make the batter as even as possible. Place into the oven and bake for 13 to 18 minutes. Poke the center of the cake with a toothpick and make sure it comes out clean. If not, bake for a couple more minutes.

Pull out and cool on a wire rack in the pan. Set aside until ready to assemble. Cold cake is easier to work with. If you have time, refrigerate it overnight.
Take your cutters and cut out gluten free cake shapes, ease them out with a spatula and place on a plate or another piece of parchment.

Split your cake in half. Make sure your is at room temperature. Cold jam will tear up your soft cake. You can also warm it a little in the microwave to make it easier to spread. Top with the second cake piece. Spread the top of your little cake with a thin layer of jam.

Place your cleaned raspberries on top by following the picture.

Melt your chocolate in the microwave in 15 second bursts, stirring after each one until it is smooth. Make sure you use a low heat. You don’t want to burn your chocolate. Drizzle over the top of your raspberries.

Serve right away or place in an airtight container and hold in the frig for an hour. If you need to hold it for a longer time then do this: split the cakes and spread with jam in the middle and on the top. When you are getting ready to serve, pull them out and top with raspberries and chocolate.

This is a very easy recipe but looks like a million dollars. Sweet 🙂


PS.. You could use a chocolate cake instead. One can never have too much chocolate… I don’t really think it’s possible.

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