Warm Peanut Butter Brownies
Ready to bake in 5 minutes and no xanthan gum needed. Growing up, my mom would get after me for dipping my spoon into the peanut butter jar and pulling out a hunk of the stuff. I would sneak off and slowly eat it off the spoon. I still do it today, but no one…
Gluten free Vanilla Cake Pops the Easy Way
Little bundles of goodness in 5 minutes flat.  These cute little cakes are all the rage right now. You take a cooled cake, crumble it and then add frosting and smoosh it all together and form it around lollipop sticks and then coat them and put on sprinkles or colored sugar or turn them into animals…
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
We have just had a downpour this week and enough lightening to last me the rest of the year. Twice our power went out, lost our cable and internet connections and had my sister-in-laws garage flood out twice! And we live in the desert. Since the weather has been cooperating, the oven has been turned…
Sour Cream Gluten Free Apple Crumble Pie
Old Fashioned dessert : Awesome flavor Apples are usually pretty cheap all year round. You can get them for a steal here pretty soon since fall is a coming. Hard to believe it will be cool in a month or two. My dad is a BIG apple pie fan. When I go over to visit,…
DIY Gluten Free Travel Bars
Don’t buy those expensive bars when you can make your own. Sometimes you just want something fruity and chewy to satisfy the afternoon munchies. Take these gluten free bars along with you to the office, or pop them into your purse when you go shopping. Take the whole pan on your next road trip or…
Gluten free tips for muffins
Let’s bring back the lowly muffin. Cute, compact, portable, endless variations, easy to make, practically impossible to screw up on, muffins need to make a big comeback on our breakfast, lunch and dinner tables. Muffins can easily be made with gluten free whole grains, have no problem cooking all the way through (unlike larger loaves…
Gluten Free Raisin Bran Muffins
Aliquam porta nisi justo, sit amet ultricies felis vehicula ac. Mauris vehicula libero sed tincidunt sagittis. Phasellus eu ante felis. Suspendisse sit amet mi commodo, placerat ante quis, dapibus est.
Gluten Free Bread: Muffin Baking Tips
Sed facilisis sed diam et congue. Etiam sit amet augue nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam suscipit lorem id diam ultricies pharetra sed bibendum quam.
Gluten Free Canning: The Basics
How to Master the art of Canning and Preserving When I was young, our family would go to the U-pick farms and spend two to three hours reaching up into trees and pulling off the most fabulous tasting peaches and apples you have ever eaten. We would pick tomatoes and green beans until your back hurt! There were…
Moroccan Root Vegetable Stew from WDW
Awesome gluten free experience at Tusker House at Animal kingdom in WDW. If you’ve never been to the Tusker House at Animal Kingdom, you’re missing out. An “open air” market restaurant, the atmosphere is fantastic, the food wonderful and it’s just plain fun! Tusker House is less expensive than other character dining, making it a…