Gluten Free Bread: Slow Rise

Every so often you just want to take things nice and easy. Do it the old fashioned way. Try something that doesn’t require fancy gadgets and the latest technology. Here’s the gluten free bread recipe for you. 

This one requires only the basic ingredients, a round casserole dish and your oven. You can even mix up the dough by hand if you really want to go all out. Pare this with the Apple Blackberry Jam recipe, brew yourself a nice hot cup of tea and enjoy with a good book. 

You can use any of the prepackaged gluten free bread mixes available. Just mix up like they say on the box and proceed with the directions.

2 tsp. SAF instant yeast
3 cups gluten free flour blend (your choice)

3 tsp. xanthan gum (omit if your flour blend has it already)
1/2 cup powdered milk (optional but helps make a higher loaf)
2 Tbsp. sugar (you can use maple syrup or honey too)
1 1/2 tsp. salt
3 eggs (room temp)
1/4 cup oil
1 tsp. cider vinegar (also helps to condition the dough)
Up to 1 1/2 cups very hot tap water

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, oil, vinegar and 1 cup of the water.

Now, you can mix by hand or use a stand mixer to beat the dough. I like stand mixers because I can walk away and let it do the work. Pour the wet ingredients into the flour mix and beat for 3 minutes. If it looks too wet (should be mashed potato consistency) then add a little more water until it looks right.

Grease a 2.5 quart casserole dish that has a lid with olive oil and spread in the bread dough.  I use my trusty Emile Henry Flame 2.5 litre casserole dish. That’s the one in the picture. Made of clay, it turns out a great loaf of bread. You can now sprinkle the top with seeds or chopped nuts or even dried or sauteed onions if you want. Place on the lid and let it sit on your counter top.

After about 2 hours lift the lid and see how high the bread is. If it has reached the top, great. heat up the oven and bake. If not, put the lid back on and let it get to the top (maybe another hour). Careful not to jiggle it, you con’t want it fall down. 

Bake at 425 degrees for 45 to 65 minutes or until a tooth pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let it cool for 10 minutes and then pop it out of the dish onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Makes 1 loaf. 

Happy Baking!

Team Gluten Free Farm Girl

P.S.  You can adapt any of the recipes in Gluten Free Bread Machine Cookbook. click here!

Just mix up and place in your casserole dish. Bake as directed above and voila! 

Click here to buy the book.

Thanks bunches for buying my cookbooks. You are all very special to me! Thanks again!


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