(Video)Autistic Boy gets better on Gluten Free diet

This young man’s health dramatically improves after mom puts him on a gluten free diet. Months and months of no sleep was the norm for this poor little boy. Mom finally got fed up and decided to take matters in her own hands. Listen to the “miracle” change that took place for him and for…

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2015 Recipe of the Year

King Arthur Flour’s® 2015 Recipe of the Year made  gluten free. Every year King Arthur Flour® combs through their 1000’s of recipes and determines a winner. Well, for this years winner they went out to their “Bake Truck” ( food truck for the rest of us) and found that the number 1 treat that was…

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Gluten free Vegan Bakery at WDW®

Downtown Disney® gets it’s own gluten free vegan bakery. An amazing choice of baked goodies is to be enjoyed and scarfed when you vacation at WDW®. Baby Cakes Bakery® has set up shop and is cranking out treat after luscious treat for the gluten free crowd. According to the Huffington Post® …..So it’d be hard…

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Can a pill allow Celiacs to eat gluten?

Scientists are working on a pill that will help to neutralize the effects of gluten. This has been 10 years in the making by scientist Hoon Sunwoo and fellow colleagues at the University of Albert Hoon Sunwoo embarked on a 10-year endeavor to try and find a way to improve the quality of life of…

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List of the most often heard things people say to Celiacs

Here are 21 things that celiacs get to listen to on a daily basis. Paramount Pictures / Via giphy.com Maybe we should print out cards. Or wear a sandwich sign so we don’t have to keep answering the same things over and over again. Or we could make a recording, with pauses between the answers…

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Is gluten free food healthy?

Study shows that gluten free food may not be as healthy as it can be. This study done by the George Institute for Global Health tested the nutritional value of regular vs. gluten free food. Here are some of the findings: ….After looking at over 3,200 products across ten food categories, the researchers were able…

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Gluten free pasta beats out steak.

Photo credit: https://flic.kr/p/bTEitp Okay, I know what you’re thinking. How can gluten free pasta beat out a steak. Well, the makers of this pasta have upped the protein content to equal a 3.5 oz. serving of steak. How did they do that? Good question. And the answer is….. Chickpeas! High protien, loads of fiber, low glycemic,…

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O Magazine includes GMO ad from Monsanto

    Check out this article from Natural News.  They also have a link to a petition that you can sign asking O Magazine to stop the Monsanto ads. Click here for the article: Oprah has GMO ad in O Magazine.

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Gluten Free: Not taken Seriously?

gluten free

Here’s an awesome article from NPR by James S Fell. In it he talks about the rise in public awareness of Gluten Free and how it has caused great advancements and also some angst for those of us with Celiac. His interviews show how, because of it’s “popularity”, those of us who must eat gluten…

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NutriMill Grain Mill

I always wanted to try my hand at a gluten free grain mill. But which one? Would it do everything I needed? Well after seeing this baby in action at a cooking class I attended, my decision was made. It has a variable speed motor and the ability to grind your grain with different textures,…

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